
Solutions for dealing with problem students

Re “Chaos Reigns at a Model School,” March 12

Until public schools can kick out problem students for good, as can private, charter and magnet schools, serious problems brought in from the streets will persist.

The time has come that chronic troublemakers must be removed to schools designed just for them -- for the good of the 90% or more of students who want an education.

More than likely, this same group of troublemakers has been causing problems for everyone since elementary school. Laws must be changed to permit the transfer of these students out of the mainstream schools early on and to demand that parents take responsibility.



Los Angeles


Inner-city schools are supposed to be the great equalizers so poor children can compete with the affluent for college admittance. It is so sad that the child who is willing to step up to the academic plate and slug it out for good grades is besieged by the thugs who tag the walls, fail most of their classes and engage in turf warfare.

The college-bound students are siphoned off to honor courses, which leaves the so-called regular courses as melting pots for the underachiever and gang kid.

The few students who want to learn but are stuck in the regular classes are then distracted by all the turmoil that the unwilling and unable bring to the academic setting.


The push by the Los Angeles Unified School District for more schools and appreciation for academic excellence completely overlooks the need to construct reform schools for those unwilling to embrace education as a value to their lives.


