
Times Trims Stock Tables, Expands Business Coverage

Beginning today, the daily tables of stock and mutual fund prices are condensed to one page. In addition to a roundup of the day’s trading activity, the page, C5 today, will include a listing of the previous day’s 1,300 most heavily traded stocks and an expanded list of publicly traded companies based in Southern California.

The weekly stock and mutual fund tables that appear Sundays will not change. Complete real-time daily stock and fund data will remain available at

The change recognizes that most investors monitor daily stock prices via the Internet. It also will reduce newsprint costs.


The consolidation of the listings also will free up space for expanded coverage of the region’s economy, including new features and packages of stories.

On Wednesdays, the section will emphasize small business, the backbone of Southern California’s economy. The package will be anchored by the Small Business Report, a column from small-business expert Cyndia Zwahlen, and In Box, a question-and-answer feature by nationally known columnist Karen E. Klein.

On Saturdays, the section will provide expanded coverage of international business, with a focus on Southern California’s place at the center of global trade.


The Global Capital package will include a new column on business travel by former corporate globe-trotter James Gilden.

The Sunday Business section adds regular reviews of books on business, finance and management.

The Technopolis column by David Colker will move to Thursdays.

Readers with questions or comments about the changes may contact the Times readers’ representative at (213) 237-3485 or [email protected].
