
Chinese Imports Negate NAFTA

“Mexican Port Gets American Connection” (June 20) reports that “Mexico is repositioning itself in a world in which its manufacturing base is eroding and its labor is considered relatively expensive by Asian standards.”

This is further proof that the North American Free Trade Agreement is dead as long as no measures are taken to curtail the flood of imports from China. Workers across North America are being wiped out by Chinese rivals.

Mexicans cannot lift themselves out of poverty if they are undercut by even cheaper foreign labor. And the partnership between U.S. firms and Mexican suppliers created by NAFTA cannot compete with Beijing’s mercantile onslaught.


Transshipping Chinese goods to Kansas will not enrich either Mexico or the United States, as real national wealth comes from production, not mere transport.

It is past time to rethink the sophistry of “free trade” with China and return to the serious task of rebuilding and expanding the production base of North America.

William Hawkins

