
Is ‘all that is good’ so bad?

Re “Losing our ‘American’ way,” Opinion, July 6

Now Jonah Goldberg is questioning the patriotism of Superman, and why? He dropped “the American way” phrase from his rallying cry for the horrific “all that is good.” Clap him in Kryptonite irons and send him to Guantanamo! Traitor! Insurgent!

Once upon a time, the American way was synonymous with “all that is good.” Nowadays, lying to start a war and bombing innocent people into the Stone Age, curbing the rights of American citizens through scare tactics, denying lower-income people a minimum-wage raise -- all while questioning the patriotism of those who dissent with administration policies -- has become the American way. I’m sure that if Goldberg worked as hard to restore the American way as he does to fabricate arguments to validate the conservative point of view, Superman would be more than willing to meet him halfway.


