
Credits report

I must disagree with Chris Kaltenbach when he complains about TV’s treatment of credits [“TV Should Give Movies’ Credits Their Due,” July 4]. I have no interest in who is third assistant to the second associate producer. Or in any of the other second- and third-level workers. Judging by the people who rush out of the theater, no one else does either. If I am interested -- and, in truth, I am occasionally -- I can look them up on the Net, or get the DVD from Netflix.




CHRIS KALTENBACH is spot on about the cavalier way that TV channels treat movie credits. The Sci-Fi Channel’s recent “Twilight Zone” marathon is a case in point.

Besides the great writing, the show endures because of the parade of young soon-to-be stars it features -- some, in fact, so young as to barely be recognizable. While viewers anxiously await the credits to ID these actors, even settle arguments about who they are, Sci-Fi elects to cram them into one side of the screen, barely visible, in order to fill the space with yet another upcoming show promo. This leaves the viewer in his own “Twilight Zone” and greatly reduces our enjoyment of this all-time great series.



Beverly Hills
