
Beijing, Israel and more: Add them to your to-do list

Special to The Times

MANY people begin the year by composing a list of new places to visit. My list is different -- I collect “hot destinations,” places that are surging in popularity. Here’s my list:

* Buenos Aires: Although the Argentine currency and economy have recovered slightly, the peso is still weak and sells at three to the dollar; it used to be one to the dollar. Consequently, Argentina remains a bargain for U.S. travelers because of its inexpensive accommodations and food. Tourism to its capital city, a place of steaks and tango, continues to surge, bringing visitors from all over the world. That popularity explains last month’s decision by Continental Airlines to offer direct service from Newark, N.J., to Buenos Aires. This is the latest in a series of U.S. carriers (American, Delta and United among them) to fly there, a remarkable amount of airline service.

* Beijing: The capital of China is full of cranes, as billions of dollars’ worth of construction take place in preparation for the 2008 Summer Olympics. The Chinese currency remains underpriced, making most everything a bargain. More tour operators are announcing easy-to-book, easy-to-use packages for both your flight and your stay. Politically curious Americans should have a look at this fast-growing world power; see it before the hutongs (old neighborhoods) are bulldozed for new skyscrapers.

* Croatia: This country in southeastern Europe has been free of violence for more than a decade. Its tourism highlight, Dubrovnik, has been restored to a medieval appearance and is once again vital and enchanting, as are all the other glittering resorts of its Adriatic coast, such as Split and the country’s picturesque islands. Its capital, Zagreb, is humming with culture and cafe life. And because its prices are among the lowest in Western Europe, it is attracting savvy tourists.


* Israel: After an absence of several years from the tourist scene because of terrorist bombings, Israel is beginning to make its way back. Security has improved in recent years, and Americans have begun returning. Tour companies are offering air-and-land packages for a week’s stay in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem at bargain rates. Other packages take you to different parts of the country.

* Tahiti: This is a hot destination for people who crave the atmosphere and setting of the “old” Hawaiian Islands, partly because its national carrier, Air Tahiti Nui, is offering nonstop service from Los Angeles. Tahiti remains a sparsely developed tropical place where time stands still and news of the outside world seems irrelevant.

* Japan: In December 2004, the U.S. dollar bought 104 yen. A year later, the dollar bought nearly 117 yen. That’s an increase of more than 10% for the dollar. Although it doesn’t transform Japan into a cheap destination by any means, it does moderate the cost of visiting. And a great many Americans, including those impressed by the new film “Memoirs of a Geisha,” will make a trip there this year. Japan is never dull: It is clean, safe and friendly, a memorable travel experience.


* Charleston, S.C.: This bastion of the old Confederacy has experienced a major renaissance in recent years. Its several-blocks-long market is surrounded by a trendy collection of boutiques, cafes and gourmet food shops. Its antebellum homes are refurbished; its restaurants are reputed to be among the best in the South. With New Orleans still hurting from Katrina, Charleston will be heavily visited in 2006 -- and deservedly so.
