
More on Late Night’s ‘Brilliant’ Funny Man

Thank you so much for the insight into Craig Ferguson, David Letterman’s heir apparent (“The Late, Late Comer,” by Marc D. Allan, Dec. 18). He’s following in the footsteps of Johnny Carson, who rejuvenated the late-night format after Jack Paar, and of Letterman, who has skewed it just enough to make it his own. And as Letterman is starting to show how tired he is, Ferguson seems poised.

His personal diatribes are funny, cutting, cheeky, revealing, deep, always smart and never an insult to his audience. But he owns the desk, too. His first desk segment, with the funny, almost annoying sound effects and his brilliant mind-to-mouth asides, is amazing. He also seems to truly care about his guests, and his genuine interest comes through during his interviews with a wide range of people. The show gives me hope for the future of late night.

Neil Hassman

