
Who’s left holding the (wrong) bag?

IN reference to “Right Bag, Wrong Person,” Travel Q&A;, Jan. 1: I’ve got one to top that. Five years ago, I was returning to Orange County. My bag was a Louis Vuitton duffel. After all other luggage had been claimed, the only piece left was a Gucci duffel. My friend encouraged me to copy the business phone number off the tag and call, saying a boyfriend or spouse might have retrieved the wrong bag. Continental took the unclaimed Gucci bag and locked it in its office.

The Gucci bag’s owner returned my call at midnight. She would not bring my bag to me but expected me to meet her at the airport. We met in front of Continental’s baggage claim. She refused to give me my bag until she had claimed hers. At that point, I spotted the police and was ready to let them handle the dispute. She relented and gave me my bag.


Mission Viejo

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