
Paroled Rapist Is Returned to Prison

Times Staff Writer

A paroled rapist of two teens, whose placement in a Mead Valley halfway house in May ignited months of protests by local residents, was returned to prison Wednesday for allegedly violating parole.

Riverside County sheriff’s investigators closely monitored David Allyn Dokich’s movements around Mead Valley for two months and submitted information to the California Department of Corrections, authorities said.

The Perris station’s Violent Offender Registration Team determined that Dokich broke restrictions on travel, proximity to alcohol and entering premises where children can congregate, but no criminal charges were filed, authorities said.


Dokich, 53, was convicted in 1982 of raping a 15-year-old girl in his Dana Point apartment, and of kidnapping and raping a 16-year-old Riverside County girl in 1985 while on parole.

“Based on his history ... we knew that he was a high-risk sex offender in our county in close proximity to a school -- concern enough for the sheriff to make sure that he was being watched,” said sheriff’s spokesman Cpl. Dennis E. Gutierrez.

Dokich is in custody at the California Institution for Men in Chino and will have a parole board hearing in the next few weeks, Gutierrez said.
