
Reasons not to execute Hussein

Re “Iraqi court upholds death for Hussein,” Dec. 27

Let’s not feed the flames of terrorism. Executing Saddam Hussein will immediately elevate him to martyrdom status in the eyes of extremists and bring renewed vigor to groups working to destabilize Iraq.

It should be crystal clear that a solution in Iraq favorable to the West is nowhere in sight. Rather than stoke the flames of terrorism, we should seriously consider turning Hussein loose to resolve the mess. As objectionable as his methods of governance may be, a stable Iraq is in everyone’s interest. This is not to be misconstrued as an argument to free Hussein but rather a potential solution to the intractable challenge we face in Iraq. Hussein is a thug, but perhaps that is exactly what is required to stabilize Iraq.


Bellaire, Ohio


Hussein is a living piece of evidence who must be kept alive, not only to answer allegations of other crimes in Iraq but to respond to assertions by the Bush administration that there was a connection between Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. It is baffling that the so-called evidence that was offered to justify the invasion of another country is not being used by Atty. Gen. Alberto Gonzales to bring Hussein to trial here.


It is imperative that Hussein not be executed too soon. Americans need to know if he was indeed involved in the attacks on our country and if he was amassing weapons of mass destruction with the intention of using them, as we were told. All who have suffered because of the war in Iraq deserve the facts about why we are there. Americans must know to what extent our government would deceive us. Rushing to execute Hussein has everything to do with burying the truth.


La Habra
