
Save up first, then change careers

I enjoyed Jonathan Alpert’s Dec. 11 article [“Work Out Reasons for Leaving”]. He offers thoughtful, sound advice. I thoroughly enjoyed my 23 years at IBM, but I longed to be the captain of my own ship. I did not want to end up like many of my colleagues who retired but could not afford to stop working.

Another division within IBM helped me build a website to sell unicycles, and the business eventually freed me from my job. I’ve been fully self-employed for seven years now, and I have no regrets.

My wife, Amy, and I worked together to build the company, and we were fortunate to get through the early stages without starving.


If I could add a suggestion to your article, it would be to put away at least six months’ salary before changing careers. Ensuring that the rent will be covered in the months ahead enables a person to think more clearly and make better decisions after the change.


Marietta, Ga.
