
Guns N’ Roses album is delayed

From the Associated Press

Guns N’ Roses fans are going to have to wait a little longer for the band’s next album. Axl Rose now says “Chinese Democracy” will hit stores March 6.

Seven months ago, the 44-year-old rock recluse emerged from seclusion and claimed the album -- a decade in the making -- would be out before the end of the year.

But disillusioned fans began questioning the prospects of a 2006 release when the band’s North American tour, which kicked off in October, rolled into December with no mention of the album.


On Thursday, Rose issued a statement on his website apologizing for the delay.

“To say the making of this album has been an unbearably long and incomprehensible journey would be an understatement,” he said. “Overcoming the endless and seeming insanity of the obstacles faced by all involved, not withstanding the emotional challenges endured by everyone -- the fans, the band, our road crew and business team -- has at many times seemed like a bad dream in which one wakes up only to find they are still in the nightmare.”
