
Razing the Roof Wasn’t His Intention

Times Staff Writer

A teacher might be disciplined in Montana for accidentally discharging a shotgun into the ceiling of a library during a class on hunter safety, the Associated Press reported.

While instructing about 50 students recently in Livingston, Mont., John Lundberg demonstrated how, in the excitement of the hunt, the wrong ammunition could be loaded into a firearm, creating a dangerous situation.

He loaded a 20-gauge double-barrel shotgun with a 28-gauge shell, which accidentally discharged. The shotgun pellets fired into the ceiling of the community room at the library, said Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials. No one was hurt.


Morning Briefing has heard of banning and even burning books, but shooting them?

Trivia time: Who was the first drafted football player to play in the NFL?

To dye for: Wrote Tony Kornheiser of the Washington Post: “Exactly which planet is [New York Met broadcaster] Keith Hernandez living on? Oh, wait, it’s the one where all the men dye their mustaches and beards luxuriously black, and then automatically walk out of the bar with the prettiest girl in tow. That planet. The ‘Just For Men’ planet.”

Iron man: Boxing champion Wladimir Klitschko, 30, told Reuters that his favorite way to relax was to hit the boards -- the ironing boards, that is.

“I love to iron,” he said Wednesday, four days after beating American Chris Byrd for the International Boxing Federation heavyweight title in Berlin.


“The first thing I do whenever I get to a hotel is borrow an iron. No one else ever touches my shirts.”

Dough boy: Greg Cote of the Miami Herald on Bobby Jenks, the 270-pound Chicago White Sox closer: “You know how they usually play intimidating rock music when closers take the mound? Jenks runs from the bullpen to the jingle, ‘Nobody Doesn’t Like Sara Lee.’ ”

Stays in Vegas: Wrote Pete McEntegart of “Former USC quarterback Matt Leinart has reportedly booked more than two dozen hotel rooms in Las Vegas with a down payment of $140,000 for an NFL draft party. Leinart needs the extra rooms to house Reggie Bush’s family.”


Looking back: On this date in 1988, the Baltimore Orioles lost to the Minnesota Twins, 4-2, setting an American League record with their 21st consecutive defeat. The next day, the Orioles beat the White Sox, 9-0, in Chicago to improve to 1-21. They went on to finish 54-107.

Trivia answer: Running back Riley Smith of Alabama, who was chosen second overall by the Boston Redskins in the first professional football draft in 1936.

The top pick, running back Jay Berwanger of the University of Chicago, had requested $25,000 for two seasons, but that was deemed too steep for the Chicago Bears, so he chose to become a foam-rubber salesman.

And finally: Comedian Argus Hamilton on why it’s important that Los Angeles get an NFL team: “This town desperately needs pro football. Grown men are following Tom Cruise around and asking him how he feels about witnessing the birth of his daughter.”
