She Never ‘Caved in’ on Toy Guns
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The wonderful essay by Randye Hoder (“Don’t Shoot,” Oct. 2) reminded me of my son and my personal stand against providing toy guns for him to play with. Because I would not buy any, he too fashioned his own out of Legos, bread, cheese and anything else he could get his hands on. I explained that I didn’t think even pretend guns were good and that someday he would understand. Unlike Hoder, I never caved in. My biggest reward was my son telling me after he was grown that he understood why I didn’t allow them, and he thanked me!
Karin Gable
Ms. Hoder, next time you can’t find a six-shooter for your little boy, just see your local gangbanger or gun shop, buy a real one and lock the safety catch. Those are easily acquired. Scary, isn’t it?
Jeremy Vernon