
Defining ‘futurist’

GINA PICCALO’S article “Fads Are So Yesterday” [Oct. 9], which mentioned “futurists,” was timely and interesting. Ironically, despite increasing use of the term “futurism” or “futurist,” few people know very much about either.

Futuring can be either a professional activity or a mind-set. Professional futurists are often consultants who work with clients to outline possible business futures and identify obstacles and opportunities along the way. The most robust business strategies are the ones that effectively address the maximum number of future possibilities.

However, many futurists and most members of the World Future Society are not professional futurists. They are CEOs, ambassadors, teachers, marketers and even fashion designers who find foresight approaches useful.



Bethesda, Md.

Mack is president of the World Future Society,
