
Underground public art

Readers who don’t do so already might want to join the 235,000-plus Metro customers who daily enjoy “L.A.’s Close Encounters of the Artsy Kind” [May 5].

Local and nationally recognized artists have created works in a wide range of materials and styles that make the Metro Rail system’s 62 stations inviting and attractive. For those who’d like to learn more about the works, the Metro Art Docent Council offers free docent-guided tours of many of the stations’ artworks; for more information visit

Maya Emsden

Los Angeles

Maya Emsden is the deputy executive officer of creative services for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro).



I was pleased to read the article on Los Angeles’ public art. The City of Burbank also has a requirement for developers to incorporate art into projects. I’d like to note such an artwork at 2980 San Fernando Road in front of the Senior Aerospace building. It is a 20-foot steel structure entitled “Santa Ana Winds, Again.” You can see it online at

Ginna Rutter

Los Angeles
