
What to Do With West L.A. VA Property

Two things could be done with the Veterans Affairs Medical Center property in West L.A. (May 6). The right thing and the wrong thing.

The wrong thing would be to develop it for commercial use unless we are just interested in making a few people rich.

The right thing would be to build the UCLA medical center on the grounds adjacent to the hospital. Leftover space could be used for other Veterans Affairs medical facilities, or parkland or other UCLA nonmedical departments.


The medical center presently being developed on the Westwood campus could be retrofitted for other UCLA uses.

The VA grounds north of Wilshire could also be used for expansion of UCLA and parkland. The UCLA campus is overcrowded and has very little room for growth. The VA grounds are the proper venue for UCLA to grow. We must, however, definitely say no to developers.

Robert M. Miller MD

West Hills


As a combat infantry veteran of World War II, I had expected to be buried at Veterans Cemetery; I am told that the cemetery is too full for additional ground burials. Why should veterans’ final resting places be preempted in favor of economic development?


Robert C. Butz

Toluca Lake
