
Gun Control Laws and Shootings on Freeways

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Re “Just Your Average Mayhem,” editorial, May 4: Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer is pushing a law (SB 357) to tag bullets manufactured or sold in California. The usual suspects, the National Rifle Assn. and gun lobbyists, oppose this law. The present mayhem on our freeways should help pressure the Legislature to pass this law, which would deter the crazies if they knew their bullets could be traced back to them.

George Magit



Blaming guns for the freeway shootings (letters, May 4) is childish, and holding thug racist gangs responsible for random murders is apparently beyond the mental capacity of people who want “feel-good” laws such as gun control. Reality check: Los Angeles, New York City and Washington, D.C., have the toughest gun control laws and, no coincidence, the highest gun-related homicides. Let’s try enforcing the laws already on the books and send these murderers to life in prison or death row.

Pat Murphy

Pacific Palisades


A May 5 letter writer apparently can’t see past the muzzle of his handgun. Just because there haven’t been “bloodbaths or civil chaos” in those states where citizens are allowed to carry handguns doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be here on our crazy, crowded freeways. Can you imagine the mayhem if citizen gun carriers started shooting back at a freeway shooter?


Jean G. Cochran

