
Speaking Frankly

Cellulose, nitrates, meat trimmings and meat byproducts are delicacies in America, where 20 billion hot dogs are devoured yearly, according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council. For decades, the chili cheese dog and a passel of other frankfurter varieties have been racking up the numbers at Pink’s, the Hollywood wienery where Angelenos and out-of-towners often wait for an hour to satisfy a late-night junk-food jones. In the wee hours on a recent Saturday, we asked some folks in line why their wienies were worth the wait, and the weight.


Syed Naqvi

San Francisco

Why are you here tonight?

I used to live in Los Angeles. I’ve just driven down from San Francisco with my pregnant wife. It’s sort of a second honeymoon. We just got married in March. Friends threw a party tonight. It’s good to end the night at Pink’s, I’ve always found.

What about hot dog ingredients?

We wait until we’re really drunk and forget the horrible stuff they’re made of. Sometimes information is a hindrance.


What would you say to vegetarians?

Animals were put on the earth for humans to consume.

So you respect the food chain?

Somebody has to.

Are hot dogs sexy?

Hot dogs are extremely sexy, and the Tommy Lee of fast food. Enough said on that.


Jeff Martinez


What brings you to Pink’s?

We were at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting in Venice. I wanted to bring a friend ‘cause she’s never been here.

Is this your last stop?

Yeah. We’re on my motorcycle.

What kind of dog are you having?

The coleslaw dog, maybe a mustard dog. I’m diabetic and I don’t eat this too often. I might have to throw away some bun, but I did my 45-minute walk today. I’m not having fries or onion rings. No real cholesterol.

What’s the appeal of greasy food?

I don’t consider a hot dog greasy food. I’ve been in Southern California all my life, and the hot dogs are pretty good.


What would you say to vegetarians?

It’s better than a cheeseburger.

How many food groups does a coleslaw dog qualify for?

Your cheese, your bread, your dairy, your vegetables.


Leon Lamb


What brings you here?

My friend Sabrina brought me out. We were trying to find something to eat so we came here.

What did you order?

A spicy Polish dog with pastrami and cheese and an order of fries.

What’s the appeal of greasy food on a Saturday night?

Before your drinking, after your drinking, there’s nothing like it.

What would you say to a vegetarian about hot dogs?

If you’re a vegetarian or a health nut, stay home.

Give us a shaggy hot dog story.

It was cold and windy. We stood in line for about an hour. For the experience.

Are all hot dogs created equal?

No. Some are bigger than others.


Mariela Saldana

Eagle Rock

What have you been up to tonight?

This is the destination for the night. We’ve never tried Pink’s before.

How long have you been waiting?

Forty-five minutes. I’m debating between the chili cheese dog or the kraut dog.

What is the appeal of greasy food?

You have to have it on a Friday or a Saturday night. It’s the American thing to do.

Do hot dog ingredients worry you?

I just try to forget. I don’t want to think about it.

What would you say to vegetarians?

I would recommend they try it just once before they die.

Give us a shaggy hot dog story.

We were having a potluck. A girlfriend was bringing taquitos. She forgot to get the meat defrosted, so she made hot dog taquitos. They weren’t bad. When I come home hungry in the middle of the night, I like to roast a hot dog, stick it in a tortilla, put in a little mayonnaise and mustard and call it a day.
