
Brett Ratner signs on as ‘X3’ director

For “X3,” 20th Century Fox is hoping the third time is the charm. The studio announced Monday that “Rush Hour” veteran Brett Ratner would direct the latest “X-Men” installment -- the latest filmmaker to step into that role. Fox production chief Hutch Parker said he was confident Ratner would have “X3” ready for its scheduled May 26 opening, with filming set to commence in early August in Vancouver. “The production plan is pretty much in place,” Parker said. “You are not starting from scratch.”

Ratner replaces Matthew Vaughn, who dropped out last week because, among other things, he didn’t want to be away from his family for a long time. Vaughn had stepped in for Bryan Singer, who directed the first two “X-Men” movies but is currently making “Superman,” which Ratner at one point was going to direct.

In addition to having cast most of “X3’s” lead roles (including Hugh Jackman’s return as Wolverine), the film’s producers also have scouted locations, hired department heads and even storyboarded some key action sequences.


Asked about the fast track the film is on, producer Lauren Shuler Donner said that the earlier two “X-Men” films also were made in less than a year. “We’ve done it before,” she said. “And we’ll do it again.”


John Horn
