
Praise and Curses for Cardinal Mahony

Re “A Nation That Should Know Better,” Commentary, June 1: Cardinal Roger Mahony, archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church in Los Angeles, has little moral authority to lecture us, especially to condone and promote the invasion of our nation and our state by illegal aliens.

The legalization and amnesty of tens of millions of illegal aliens would surely result in the end of the American middle class and way of life for our children and future generations.

Apparently Mahony doesn’t care how he fills the pews, even with lawbreakers who violate our immigration laws and devastate our schools, medical facilities and infrastructure. Mahony’s ambition is evident as is his disrespect for the law and justice.


Fred Akers

La Canada Flintridge


Mahony may travel first class, but his commentary on illegal immigration demonstrates that he has not forgotten the church’s Christian roots. Mahony’s piece can very easily be translated as “What would Jesus do with illegal immigrants?” It’s time other religious leaders ask the same question.

Domenico Maceri

San Luis Obispo
