
Boot’s beyond belief

Max Boot is deluded if he thinks that the Muslim world does not really hate America (Opinion, July 27). The Bush administration failed to see the impact on the Muslim world of its reckless Iraq war. Fundamentally, it’s a matter of imperial arrogance. Our support for Israel, our troops on the Arabian Peninsula, our occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, our support for Russia, India and China against their Muslim militants, and our pressure on Arab oil producers to keep prices low do not go unnoticed. To the Muslim way of thinking, they are seen as injustices. History shows that mankind fights injustice.

Raymond Freeman

Thousand Oaks


Boot’s piece is yet another instance of following the “script of the day” issued by the White House. Do you really think that anyone sufficiently interested in reading the editorial section actually believes that sort of nonsense?

Jim Steeves

Albuquerque, N.M.
