
9/11 Panel Let Facts Be Hidden

Two things seem disturbing about the Feb. 15 commentary, “What We Don’t Know About 9/11 Hurts Us.” The first is how the intelligence about Al Qaeda’s intent to use airplanes for terrorist purposes was available to the Federal Aviation Administration but not more widely distributed within the government. The criminal act is not the FAA’s ineptitude, but the Bush administration’s failure to follow through on critical intelligence.

Second, why was the 9/11 commission denied access or the ability to publish this information prior to the election? Is nonpartisanship so important that Americans should not have the information to make an informed decision about the performance of its government? I believe the commission’s Democrats failed in their responsibility if they had this information and allowed it to be classified. Control of information flowing to the public these days is alarming, but more alarming is that it is being done under the rubric of bipartisanship.

Ted Leavengood

Chevy Chase, Md.


If the full facts ever come to light, my hunch is they will prove the Bush-Rove administration was not simply incompetent or criminally negligent, as Robert Scheer suggests. These guys have proved themselves to be excellent, if amoral, executors of political strategy. Were they incompetent and/or negligent? Doubtful. Their collective silence and inaction prior to the event speaks volumes. Are they delusional, opportunistic and horribly immoral? Definitely, and those who voted to reelect these people should feel ashamed.


Mark Van Leeuwen



The problem with Scheer’s commentary is that, even when he gets the facts right, he wraps them up in such shrill and righteous indignation, with phrase like “criminally negligent,” “appalling” this and “startling” that, and the people who agree with him (which I do) tune him out. When are we going to realize that the tactics and tone that the Republican right uses, and gets away with, will not work for the Democrats or anyone else who opposes it.

People who are in agreement in principle with the Scheers, Michael Moores and Arianna Huffingtons of the world rue the fact that, in the mass media, they are our voice. It just doesn’t work; we need something different. How about the Calm Common-Sense Party? No histrionics and hysteria allowed.

Christopher Nugent

Studio City
