
Tax Cuts for the Rich, Cuts in Aid to the Poor

Re “Thank You, Mr. President: Finally, a Sensible Approach to Gang Violence,” Commentary, Feb. 7: Before rushing to praise President Bush’s mere mention of gangs in his State of the Union speech, the usually astute Father Greg Boyle should have waited a few days to see the proposed federal budget. Cutting the health, education and housing subsidies that keep some families afloat and some kids out of gangs, the new budget allows the president greater freedom to pursue foreign wars while leaving “faith-based initiatives” to deal with shattered communities at home.

Ralph Goldstein



Bush’s budget is out; cuts for everyone. The poor and disabled get cuts in food stamps, in child care for working women, in benefits for children on Medicaid, in subsidized housing and other programs to assist families with kids. The cuts apply to the wealthy too -- millionaires get their taxes cut.

Contemplating the implications of denying benefits to poor families is disheartening. What do children in poverty without a decent opportunity to get out of it become? Robin Hood used to be a hero. Now our hero is the anti-Robin Hood. He takes from the poor to give to the rich. Bush finds money for the rich who elected him, to pay for his ill-advised war, faith-based initiatives and a big party celebrating his election, but 15 million kids living in poverty come up short. America elected the finest president money could buy. God help those without any money.


George Hanover

La Quinta
