
Kansas Official Stirs Up a Storm

Re “A Political Tornado in Kansas,” April 11: Atty. Gen. Phill Kline two-facedly represents that he will enforce abortion laws as written, even if he finds them repugnant, then ignores the edicts of the highest court in the land, the U.S. Supreme Court, when they conflict with his personal interpretation of the term “substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function.” His rabid fanaticism on the issue of abortion is such that he seeks criminal prosecution of doctors whose actions do not conform with his religious-legal dogma, and he is willing to violate a patient’s constitutionally guaranteed right to privacy in the process.

Your article states that he travels Kansas preaching his “legal” philosophy from church pulpits. Obviously he has chosen to ignore the constitutional mandate that separates church from state as well. I propose that if he wants to preach, he should quit politics. If he wants to be a politician, he should quit proselytizing. If he cannot do either, he should quit both.

Diony Martins

Redondo Beach


As a Kansan traveling in California, I am deeply embarrassed and ashamed that the ignorance of the politicians in my home state has rated a place on the front page of The Times. A few years ago we had another embarrassing incident, that time with the Board of Education, which decided that evolution was too radical an idea to be taught in our schools. Apparently Kline has resurrected that old dinosaur, along with his other bizarre and outdated ideas.


I assure you that all Kansans do not agree with Kline. We have a fine Democratic governor, Kathleen Sebelius. Unfortunately, there are more Republicans than Democrats in our state.

Dalene Krkosska

Scranton, Kan.
