
Outdoors online (and on Page 2)

Look for more photographs and an expanded fish report at

Feat of the Week: After roping crocs and surfing naked, we love looking at outdoors photos. If you’ve got one, e-mail it to feat

[email protected]. You’ll get an Outdoors cap if we publish it. Please include your name, phone number, city of residence, the photographer’s name and information about the photo.

Just Back: E-mail justback@ with the lowdown on a recent outing. We’ll apply it to our sweaty foreheads during a trail run. If it’s still there after a post-run hot tub dip, we’ll post your adventure on Page F2.


Take Me: Do you have a favorite hike close to home that you’d like to share? Name the time and place and we’ll tag along for our Take Me column. E-mail [email protected].
