
Stories of spirit

Thank you for the story on Jamie Foxx and his commitment to the telling of Ray Charles’ life (“Spirit in the Dark,” Oct. 24), as well as the evocative piece on tiny Radio Huayacocotla in rural Mexico (“An Audio Lifeline to the World,” Oct. 24).

In the 21st century, actor Foxx painfully underwent “blinding” while the rest of the sighted world went on about him; while, in remote, low-tech Mexico, for 30 years, eight hours a day, six days a week, radio folks still provide music, news, announcements and greetings to an indigenous, agrarian culture where few have learned to read.

To me, both stories spoke of the ultimate triumph of human beings to call to the deepest part within them and preserve critical parts of history.


Victoria Lee-Jerrems

Van Nuys
