
Protest is focus of film series

The film series “WAR! Protest in America -- 1965-2004” is getting underway today at REDCAT, the Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater.

Movies dealing with civil rights, black power, personal liberation and political action will be presented during the week before the Nov. 2 election. The selections will be shown from noon to 6 p.m. through Sunday in the lobby of REDCAT, in the Walt Disney Concert Hall.

Tonight’s offering: “Sixty Cameras Against the War,” a documentary about the February 2003 New York march against the war in Iraq. Cal Arts President Steven D. Lavine will host a round-table discussion on the war, civil liberties and the arts. The discussion will begin at 8:30 p.m., before the screening.


For more details, go to

Admission is free during the day and $8 at night.


-- Elaine Dutka
