
Flop? Not so fast

I suggest Patrick Goldstein stick to “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” [“Why Is the $170-Million ‘Polar Express’ Getting Derailed?” Nov. 17].

“Polar Express” is a delightful, magical salute to the spirit of the season -- one that, I am sure, will go on to become a classic. Just like “Miracle on 34th Street,” which was also considered “a flop” when it debuted.

Jon Dosa

Palm Springs


A big headline lamenting that the holiday heir apparent isn’t doing as well as studio people would have hoped.


Fingers start pointing to the technology, not enough “face-time” for the real star of the movie, a slew of other good kid/family films

It’s not Christmas yet!

I have every intention of taking my children to see “The Polar Express” -- but after Thanksgiving! It gets harder each year, but in our house we have a deal: No Christmas until after Thanksgiving.

Before you throw the baby out with the bathwater and call this classic book turned into a movie a flop, give people a chance to give thanks before they switch into that holiday spending frenzy.


Alexandra Zucco

