
Democrats Start Thinking About the Next Round

As a Democrat, I was amazed to read that, despite the defeat, pundits suggest the possibility of a John Edwards ticket in 2008 (Nov. 6). The choice of an unctuous, ambulance-chasing trial lawyer as a running mate made me and many other Democrats unable to vote for John Kerry. I certainly wish Edwards and his wife well, but I hope that he neither returns to politics nor goes back to suing doctors for a living.

James L. Hardeman



I cannot believe the Democrats would change their strategy to appeal to the red states; in other words, to move more toward the right. This party has already lost much of its base doing just that. How could it possibly benefit from a more pronounced move toward the right/center? Do Democrats really believe they can out-Republican the Republicans? If that’s indeed the new strategy, then count me out. That would be the end of the party, I believe.

On second thought, maybe that’s not such a bad idea.

Tobi Dragert

Los Angeles


Re “The Perfect Job for Bill,” editorial, Nov. 5: Yes! With Bill Clinton as chairman of the Democratic National Committee and Kerry heading the Democratic minority in the Senate, we could send a strong message to Republicans: We may be down, but we’re far from out.


Joan Walston

Santa Monica


What are we to make of this editorial? More Democratic fumbling or a Republican plot? Clinton did what the popular Ronald Reagan failed to do -- eliminate the Democratic majorities in Congress. Historians will judge this president, but what I remember most is a tax increase during the first session and incessant womanizing. Even in the editorial, there is talk about hiring a co-chair to do the work, just like we needed a co-president to do the work.

Warren Larson

