
No Fun and Games for Bryant in Court

I’m baffled by the continued placement of Kobe Bryant’s rape trial news in the sports section, alongside reporting of his play in the previous night’s game. Such a juxtaposition only serves to trivialize the seriousness of the charges against him.

Put the news stories where they belong -- in the news section, not in sports. Athletes get enough preferential treatment as it is, without news reporting that minimizes the seriousness of their real-life problems.

Michael Miyamoto

Mission Viejo


If one of my two sons had been accused of the heinous and shameful crime of rape, I would want his identity and reputation protected unless and until he was proven guilty. Why, then, is Kobe Bryant photographed and televised widely at each court appearance but there are no photos of the accuser as she arrived at court Wednesday? Is not the reputation of the accused, who is assumed innocent until proven guilty, not as important as that of the accuser, who may knowingly be accusing falsely? I think it is.


Sunny Kreis

Santa Monica


As a lifelong Laker fan, I wanted desperately to believe Kobe Bryant’s account of what happened in that Colorado hotel room. However, now that I observe the Bryant’s legal defense, I am appalled that the judge would allow such tactics to go forward.

The subjection of an alleged rape victim to almost four hours of questioning about her sexual history could have a chilling effect on the decisions of rape victims to speak out against their attackers. I have, thankfully, never been assaulted, but the description of this woman’s experience might make me think twice about bringing a rapist to justice.

Catherine Blue

