
Sierra Club Policy on Population Growth

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Re “Ethnic Bigotry Would Pollute Sierra Club,” Commentary, March 12: It is amazing that literate people like Rebecca Solnit can’t see a connection between overpopulation and environmental damage. California now has more than 38 million residents, with over 90% of recent increases from immigrants and their children.

The financial chaos in Sacramento stems from huge increases in education, welfare, crime control, etc., in the last decade. Gov. Pete Wilson’s 1994-95 budgets were $65 billion to $70 billion; Gov. Gray Davis requested over $100 billion less than 10 years later. In 1993, I asked all Sierra Club directors if uncontrolled population growth was threatening our environment. One responded with the policy of supporting the United Nations’ efforts at control but not becoming involved in American problems. I quit the organization in disgust.

Andy Kerr

Laguna Woods
