
Go After Illegal Farm Hiring, not Taco Bell

Re “Human Rights Are Dying on the Vine,” Commentary, March 5: I believe Eric Schlosser and those supporting the boycott against Taco Bell are going after the wrong business. Go after the growers who exploit the workers and who are in violation of federal immigration laws by hiring them.

Novel idea, I know. It is much harder to be exploited if you are here lawfully. Then these organizations can “humanely” help the workers be deported to their home countries and then work to improve the human rights in those countries.

A lot more is dying in America than human rights. A stake is driven in the heart of our national sovereignty every time our immigration laws are exploited, whether it be by a migrant walking across our porous borders or the employer who hires him or her. Now, you’ll have to excuse me, I’m off to Taco Bell for a little protest of my own, and I think I’ll ask them to double the tomatoes on my taco!


Judy McLaughlin

Simi Valley
