
Awash in a world of deja voodoo

Times Staff Writer

Ever get the feeling you’ve been down this road before? Like life has turned into one big sequel? Not just at the movies, which thrive on multiple “Matrixes,” “Legally Blondes” and other echoes of the past, but also in everyday affairs.

In politics, George W. Bush is a sequel to his dad, complete with a recycled war against Iraq. CBS’ “Survivor” is basically “Gilligan’s Island” with a ballot box and barbecued rats. And Howard Dean’s manic Iowa concession speech? It’s “Cujo,” “The Incredible Hulk” and “Dr. Strangelove” all rolled into one.

The concept of sequels goes back to ancient times. “There is nothing new under the sun,” said the Old Testament, which was such a hit that it was soon followed by the New Testament.


Other famous sequels in history include the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy (Lincoln’s secretary was named Kennedy, JFK’s secretary was named Lincoln, etc.), and World Wars I and II (the first installments of a long-rumored trilogy).

But the deja vu trend has exploded in recent years. Here are some current sequels and their predecessors:

* The hunt for Osama bin Laden: Where’s Waldo?

* Demi Moore and boy-toy Ashton Kutcher: Mrs. Robinson and young Benjamin.

* Segregationist Strom Thurmond’s black love child: Slave-owner Thomas Jefferson’s black love child.


* “American Idol”: “The Gong Show.”

* Martha Stewart on trial: Marie Antoinette on guillotine.

* Paris Hilton in “The Simple Life”: Lisa Douglas on “Green Acres.”

* Philadelphia Eagles losing 2004 NFC championship game: Philadelphia Eagles losing 2003 and 2002 NFC championship games.

* Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Gov. Ronald Reagan.

* George W. Bush’s verbal gaffes: Dan Quayle’s verbal dexterity.

* Gen. Wesley Clark for president: Gen. Dwight Eisenhower for president.

* Michael Jackson’s molestation case version 2004: Michael Jackson’s molestation case version 1993.

* Tell-all autobiographies: Augustine’s 4th-century “Confessions.”

* “The Osbournes”: “The Addams Family.”

* Siegfried and Roy: “When Animals Attack.”

* Enron accounting practices: medieval alchemy.
