
New Gun Enthusiast’s Hit-and-Miss Logic

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Diana Wagman’s “Skeptic Gives Guns a Shot” (Commentary, Jan. 15), on the legal use of guns, misses the target by a Texas mile. No one is arguing about whether going to a firing range is fun or that the limited use of firearms in controlled settings is unsafe, but rather that there is currently no rational limitation to the number of weapons that may be purchased, little in the way of required safety maintenance or education required, and a great many loopholes in the ability to purchase automatic weapons or to modify weapons.

In countries where military service is required, shooting deaths outside of military conflicts are relatively rare because individuals learn that weapons are not toys to be enjoyed but tools to be used to kill.

David Zingmond

Los Angeles


I would like to congratulate Wagman for overcoming her fear of guns. Her shroud of firearm ignorance has been lifted by a day of shooting instruction and gun safety training. I believe that every American should possess the knowledge that Wagman discovered at the firing range. Parents should teach their kids about guns, because these kids will have their hands on a gun at some point. They should understand and respect the power and lethal finality that goes along with pulling the trigger.


I grew up in a house with guns. When I was 6 years old, my mother brought me along to her gun safety class. We were taught by a retired police chief how to respectfully handle and fire the weapon. It was the most fun I had ever experienced in my life to that point. I am now 35 years old. I have never forgotten the instruction from the chief, and I truly enjoy sharing that instruction with my friends who show an interest.

Kim Delgado



Wagman’s naive and misguided reasoning concerning guns would be laughable, if not so tragic. She was thrilled with the feeling of power and had a fantastic time shooting. But the real world is different than her make-believe novels.

Guns aren’t bad, but tell that to the already-dead children and teens killed by guns every year -- more than 3,000 of them. Educating people about guns is after the fact. We are all living in a gigantic shooting gallery. First, let’s limit the guns.


Ruth Rosen

Santa Monica


Apparently bored with bullying unsuspecting drivers with her two-ton vehicle, which she wrote about in “Life in the Slow Lane? It’s Saner, but She’ll Pass” (Commentary, Nov. 18), Wagman has turned her interests to a smaller metallic weapon. Oh joy ... just imagine when she becomes proficient enough to shoot while driving her vehicle. Now, that’ll cut a path through all those pesky law-abiding folks for sure!

Terry Schauer

Sherman Oaks
