
Vote No on Bonds; Tax Hikes Are Needed

It is irresponsible for The Times to tell its readers that it endorses Propositions 57 and 58 (editorial, Feb. 1). It will be much better for California if we raise taxes, car registration fees and any other taxes we can raise. Nothing should be untouchable, even property taxes. Why not a special tax for anything we buy over $200; that would protect the poor from a sales tax increase.

Priscilla Lazzara

La Puente


I totally disagree with The Times’ recommendation to pass Proposition 57. The idea of borrowing billions of dollars, which our grandchildren will have to repay, simply to bail out an irresponsible state government is abhorrent to me. A one-time surtax of $5,000 for every family making more than $100,000 could go a long way toward balancing the budget. It could also have the added advantage of reminding voters in November where the responsibility for our current dilemma really lies. And if you are interested, yes, my income would qualify for the surcharge.

Al Kubera



In Proposition 57 Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger asks for bond money. In Proposition 58 Schwarzenegger attempts to close the barn door after the cows are gone.


Rather than raise taxes to pay for the services and resources that California needs, Schwarzenegger asks Californians to take on more exorbitant debt through bond initiatives.

Republicans act as if bond money is free money. It’s not. But it protects those in the Republicans’ constituency from having to pay their share of taxes, and protects Republican legislators from having to grow the backbone to increase needed taxes.

The initiative process has turned California into a focus group for carpetbagging out-of-state interests eager to test regressive political policies. Make the legislators do their jobs. Vote no on everything.


Teresa Piccolotti

Los Angeles


Schwarzenegger wants us to believe he is a fiscally responsible governor, yet he wants taxpayers to pass Proposition 57 and thereby go into deeper debt. Bonds are a form of borrowing, and borrowing to pay off the state’s debt only increases the debt because of the interest. How does he propose to pay back the bonds with the interest? Would Schwarzenegger tell someone to use a credit card to pay off his or her bills? Increasing taxes, now, in an equitable manner, is the only fiscally responsible way to pay off debt.

Robin Gilbert

North Hills
