
Please Turn On the ‘No Cellphone’ Sign

“Cellphone Use Could Be Cleared for Takeoff,” Dec. 16: Cellphone hell is coming. The FCC should drop this idea of allowing cellphone use on airplanes. People can barely stand the crowding and lack of personal space on most flights now. Imagine being subjected to constant, irritating cellphone conversations around you as everyone speaks louder and louder to be heard.

C.L. Sage

Santa Barbara


Forget first class, business class and coach. I predict only two airline seating sections in the future: cellphone users, and everybody else. Actually, this makes perfect sense. You know cellphone addicts would pay extra for the privilege of yakking constantly from takeoff to landing; the revenue could be used by the airlines to serve decent food. And the yakkers would only disturb each other, leaving the rest of us to read, sleep or think in relative peace. (Now if we can just figure out a solution for the guy who orders cocktails on a 10 a.m. flight, gets loudly inebriated and always sits directly behind me.)

Bonnie Sloane

Los Angeles


Cellphones on airplanes? Gimme a break! Talking while walking down the street, while sitting in restaurants and worst of all gabbing in cars -- that’s bad enough. But if certain people have become so dependent on their cellphones that they can’t go three or four hours in the air without blabbing to someone, then I say let ‘em blab in a special section of the airplane (as they used to have to separate smokers) -- hopefully soundproofed!


Joel Rapp

Los Angeles
