
Rabbi Helped Build Bridge of Understanding

The Times’ obituary for Rabbi Alfred Wolf (Aug. 2) covered much of the inter-religious work with which he was involved. One of his accomplishments in this area was the founding of the Catholic-Jewish Women’s Conference.

Twenty-eight years ago, he and Msgr. Royale Vadakin brought together some women of the Wilshire Boulevard Temple and a group of nuns from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to participate in a dialogue to promote understanding and fellowship between the two groups. Within a couple of years the Catholic group included laywomen. Today the steering committee includes members from Camarillo, Azusa, Culver City and Laguna Woods.

We appreciate the vision and the support of Rabbi Wolf in promoting understanding and cooperation among the many religious groups in the L.A. area.


Barbara Durand

Mona Trachtenberg


Women’s Conference
