
Other Heads Should Roll Over Abu Ghraib

Re “Abused Iraqi Detainees Said to Hold No Intelligence Value,” Aug. 4: It is very depressing to witness the “dumping on” of Pfc. Lynndie England at the preliminary hearing of the pregnant, young Reserve soldier who was miraculously running policy and operations at the infamous Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq all by herself, while the brass sat around in their officers quarters, totally oblivious. Why are their heads not rolling for dereliction of duty?

Alex Sheppard



On Page 11, you’ve an article about England’s hearing for her part in the prison brutalities fostered by both military and private contract personnel (Aug. 5). On A9, we discover that the same CACI firm supplying the private interrogators involved in that scandal, which was due to have its contract canceled, was instead awarded another no-bid contract, for $23 million. And we’ll all forget about it come election day, right?

Bonnie Compton Hanson

Santa Ana


Re “President Says War Was ‘Right,’ ” Aug. 3: President Bush claims it was right to invade Iraq. No weapons of mass destruction. No flip-flopping. Could North Korea, Iran and Syria be a right move also? Is the president and a terrorist threat to be preempted a dangerous combination? To err is human, but some errors could be hard to forgive.


Duane Finley

