
Readers recommend

Germany: Spirited pension

Pension Moselblick, 6 Lindenstrasse, 54472 Brauneberg, Germany; 011-49-6534-8687. “This pension, with large rooms and private baths, is centrally located on the Mosel River, making it an ideal location for day trips. It is comfortable, offers nice German-style breakfasts and has its own winery. Tastings can be arranged. A good hotel restaurant is within a block.” Rates start at $86 double occupancy, including breakfast.

Dick Kraft


Florida: Sites to see

“St. Augustine has several not-to-be-missed sites, including Aviles Street, said to be the city’s oldest. It is only three blocks long but more authentic than other touristy locales. It has nice art galleries and the Spanish Military Hospital. Also, Anastasia State Recreation Area, which features a broad beach, sand dunes, forests, tidal marshes and a rich variety of birdlife.”

Jane Czajkowski

West Covina

Send recommendations to “Readers Recommend”/Travel, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail travel@la

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