
Download music? If so, visit this site

The site:

The Recording Industry Assn. of America sued 261 individuals last week for illegally downloading songs through online file-sharing services. In the coming months, the group plans to sue thousands more. Maybe you’re one of the millions who’s used Kazaa or another service to download a track or two or 2,000 free. Find out if you’re on one of the subpoenas the RIAA has filed with the court by logging on to the Electronic Frontier Foundation Web site and typing in your user name or IP address.


The site:

Changing your hairstyle can be traumatic, especially if you’ve had the same cut and color for years. If you’ve dreamed of doing something different but lacked the guts to try it, this no-risk, easy-to-use site could help you take the leap. Begin by choosing a face shape or uploading your own picture. Pick a hairstyle from the 22 provided, then color it with shades ranging from platinum to red to black. The results are shown in a photo that you can e-mail to a friend for approval. Or just for fun.

The site:

Few things are less interesting than watching a clock’s second hand tick past the numbers, but artist Yugo Nakamura has turned clock watching into an art. Each number -- from the second to the minute to the day to the month to the year -- is written in pencil, then erased and replaced as time passes.


-- Susan Carpenter
