
Air Pollution From Mowers and Blowers

“Air Board Cracks Down on Lawn Mowers, Diesel Trucks” (Sept. 26) raises a question about statistical accuracy. I own a lawn mower, one of 14 million in use in California, according to the California Air Resources Board. The board goes on to state that these small-engine machines emit “152 tons of smog-forming fumes daily.”

I use my mower about twice a month during the summer, less in the winter. Is the board suggesting all 14 million mowers are used daily? And, just how does it weigh the fumes? Having experienced the real smog problem in the 1960s, I’ve got to wonder if the board isn’t crying wolf just to keep its agency alive.

Bruce Armstrong

Santa Barbara


You caught my attention when I read that the Air Resources Board had adopted new regulations to curb pollution from leaf blowers. Recently, as I walked in my neighborhood, a gardener was using a leaf blower. I am sure he hadn’t intended to attack me, but he blew the leaves, etc., right in my path. I noted he was wearing a filter mask over his nose. Maybe I need to do that too if I want to walk in my neighborhood.


George Epstein

Los Angeles
