
MTV brings France into ‘The Real World’

Times Staff Writer

Just when you thought relations between the United States and France couldn’t get any frostier, leave it to MTV to throw fuel on the fire by setting up seven randy and rambunctious roomies in Paris for the 13th edition of that graybeard of reality shows, “The Real World” (10 p.m.).

This export marks only the second time the series has ventured outside the U.S. and the first time language has been an issue. By language I mean foreign, of course; obscene language, albeit edited out for viewers, is a given.

The show, which each season takes a handful of young adults culled from nationwide auditions and mailed-in videotapes, plops them in a house and then lets the cameras roll, premiered in 1992 with a New York address. The second year was L.A.; the third, San Francisco; and then it was on to London.


Last season, producers set up shop in Las Vegas, which was fun, but Paris is an inspired choice. The scenery and skirmishes with the locals alone are worth the price of admission, but “The Real World” is all about what goes on inside the house, and this season’s cast has all the right ingredients for extreme watchability.

The affable Ace has the women swooning from the moment he’s introduced, but he’s saving himself for his gal back home. Mallory, a vixenish virgin who may want to make up for lost time, has the same effect on the menfolk. Leah is a blond looker from Long Island who doesn’t like taking no for an answer. Adam says his mouth has gotten him into trouble his whole life, and a change of continents hasn’t changed that. Christina says being from Las Vegas (and not her sizable breast implants) leads people to think she’s a Strip dancer; Simon is an Irishman who wonders how his sexual orientation (he’s gay) will play out; Chris, who resembles a young Elvis, is keeping his game plan under wraps.

Stay tuned.
