
Playing Favorites in a 310 Area Code Change

Loretta Lynch makes several excellent points regarding the senselessness of the proposed split of the 310 and 909 area codes, as well as the shenanigans perpetrated by the cellular providers behind the scenes in order to push through their long-desired plans (Voices, June 28). Unfortunately, she never discusses the question of how the 310 split will be implemented. The Public Utilities Commission has stated that the South Bay (south of Imperial Highway) will be burdened with an area code change (to 424) if and when the 310 split takes place.

Nobody ever answers this question: Why will the folks north of Imperial Highway keep their 310 area code while we in the South Bay will be forced to change? Answer: We don’t have the vociferous entertainment industry residents who demand convenience at everyone else’s expense.

Peter Broussinos

Hermosa Beach
