
Filmmakers Should Find the ‘Lost Boys’ of Sudan

Thank you for the article about the “Lost Boys” (“What the ‘Lost Boys’ of Sudan Found in America,” by David Weddle, Jan. 5). Their stories need to be told. The next movie Peter Weir should consider making is the story of strength, determination and incredible odds for survival--in other words, the “Lost Boys” story. The generosity of their mentor, Judy Bernstein, is of heroic proportions. Her caring and kindness in helping strangers in a new country overcome so many modern obstacles is to be applauded, admired and emulated. With people like her, there’s still hope for the future.

Frances Terrell Lippman

Los Angeles


Weddle’s story is so ridiculous, I hardly know where to begin. A rich white suburban housewife, a clueless airhead, discovers a group of trendy, exotic African boys. Through her involvement with them, she finds that some people have to struggle to establish themselves in America. Amazing news to her. Also, moronic Galwak Deng, executive director of Africa Corps, informs us that in Sudan the police may beat you up or even shoot you. But in America, the law is faceless. Such horror! Almost every paragraph in this exercise in vanity and guilt-mongering contains such idiocy. I don’t know where Bernstein has been all of her life. She sounds like somebody from another planet.

Mike Burns

