
Arts again lose out in states’ funding

After 10 years of steady growth, fiscal 2003 legislative appropriations for state arts agencies fell for the second consecutive year, according to an annual survey released Thursday by the National Assembly of Arts Agencies in Washington, D.C.

And according to the study, 62% of the decline can be blamed on two states: California and Massachusetts.

The study reports that, nationwide, legislative appropriations for fiscal 2003, including state appropriations, fell from $408.6 million to $353.9 million. California and Massachusetts had a combined loss of $33.9 million, making them the two states hardest hit by the faltering economy.


California’s appropriation for arts grant-making fell from $32 million in fiscal 2002 to $20 million in fiscal 2003, and the agency may face an additional $1 million midyear budget cut. Massachusetts saw a huge reduction in its state appropriation for arts grant-making, from $14.6 million to $7.3 million. Both state arts agencies also suffered cuts in federal funding and for other cultural projects administered by the agencies, making up the rest of the $33.9 million total.


Diane Haithman
