
The Risks and Rewards of Reaching for the Stars

Re “Risks of Space Worth It, Some at Caltech Say,” Feb. 6: Is it worth it? Is it worth it to dream? Is it worth it to strive beyond our boundaries? Those of us who haven’t the courage, the brains or the opportunity can only stand on the sidelines and cheer. To reach for the stars is worth almost any price. I can’t believe that anyone questions it. My thanks to those who rise toward the heavens on small metal candles, taking us where our hearts yearn to go.

Diane Silver



The U.S. manned space program is too expensive, too dangerous and of questionable scientific value. After the Columbia disaster the program is on life support; it’s just a matter of time before the plug is pulled.

Jack Swallows

San Juan Capistrano


I surely do wish we could get any other government official to give as good and thorough a briefing -- on anything -- as we’ve gotten from NASA and Ron Dittemore, its space shuttle program manager. Attention, White House: This is how to talk to the people without lying, hiding and misdirection.


Michael W. Boshears

