
Los Angeles Times Bestsellers

*--* Southern California Rating FICTION Last Week Weeks on List


*--* 1 THE LOVELY BONES by Alice Sebold (Little, Brown: $21.95) 1 13 A murdered girl tells the story of her grieving family, the killer and the detective who hunts him 2 RED RABBIT by Tom Clancy (Putnam: $28.95) In the early 2 6 1980s, newcomer Jack Ryan stumbles upon a KGB plot to assassinate the pope and create global chaos 3 THE BOOK OF ILLUSIONS by Paul Auster (Henry Holt: $24) A 11 4 Vermont professor grieving for his family loses himself in a search for a silent-movie comedian who has vanished 4 THE NANNY DIARIES by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus 3 29 (St. Martin’s: $24.95) The travails of an overworked and underappreciated Park Avenue caregiver 5 THE EMPEROR OF OCEAN PARK by Stephen L. Carter (Alfred A. 15 15 Knopf: $26.95) A professor is drawn into the underworld of Washington, D.C., by the secrets of his late father, a federal judge 6 MIDDLESEX by Jeffrey Eugenides (Farrar, Straus & Giroux: 4 3 $26) A Greek family embraces the mid-century American dream, and a young girl takes a journey to manhood 7 THE CRIMSON PETAL AND THE WHITE by Michel Faber -- 1 (Harcourt: $26) A novel of Dickensian scope that follows the lives of a prostitute, her lover and her lover’s wife in Victorian London 8 THE GRAVE MAURICE by Martha Grimes (Viking: $25.95) 12 3 Scotland Yard’s Richard Jury looks for an abducted girl and a thoroughbred horse, and uncovers medical schemes and fraud 9 ATONEMENT by Ian McEwan (Nan A. Talese/ Doubleday: $26) A 7 28 haunting novel of guilt and redemption that follows several lives through the chaos of England in World War II 10 PASADENA by David Ebershoff (Random House: $24.95) A -- 7 young woman is caught in a love triangle, and the fate of a Southern California ranch hangs in the balance 11 STANDING IN THE RAINBOW by Fannie Flagg (Random House: 6 5 $25.95) After World War II, the world is changing for the Smith family and their colorful neighbors in a quaint Missouri town 12 DARK HORSE by Tami Hoag (Bantam: $26.95) A former cop 14 3 retreats to a Florida ranch, where she finds skulduggery and scheming in the equestrian world 13 MORGAWR by Terry Brooks (Del Rey: $27.95) The “Shannara” 5 2 trilogy draws to a close with an epic battle between the warship Shannara’s crew and a powerful sorcerer 14 SHADOW PUPPETS by Orson Scott Card (Tor Books: $25.95) 13 4 The Battle Field children continue their fight against evil forces scheming toward world domination 15 THE APPRENTICE by Tess Gerritsen (Ballantine: $24.95) 10 3 Boston homicide detective Jane Rizzoli thinks a jailed serial killer is somehow in on a wealthy doctor’s murder


*--* Southern California Rating NONFICTION Last Week Weeks on List


*--* 1 LONGITUDES AND ATTITUDES by Thomas L. Friedman (Farrar, 3 2 Straus & Giroux: $26) The New York Times foreign affairs columnist reflects on the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and their aftermath 2 THE PERRICONE PRESCRIPTION by Nicholas Perricone 1 6 (HarperCollins: $27.50) A guide to aging that argues that good nutrition, not lotions, is the best treatment for your skin 3 STUPID WHITE MEN AND OTHER SORRY EXCUSES FOR THE STATE 7 30 OF THE NATION by Michael Moore (ReganBooks: $24.95) Lampooning the government and more 4 LET FREEDOM RING by Sean Hannity (ReganBooks: $25.95) A 2 3 star of Fox News’ “Hannity & Colmes” argues that liberal ideas are undermining America’s war on terrorism 5 NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY by Janice Dickinson (ReganBooks: 6 4 $24.95) The 1970s supermodel recalls a heady runway life filled with sex and drugs and her rehab and recovery 6 THE CELL by John Miller, Michael Stone and Chris -- 2 Mitchell (Hyperion: $24.95) How terrorism investigators were stonewalled by higher-ups as they tried to untangle anti-American cells 7 LET’S ROLL by Lisa Beamer with Ken Abraham (Tyndale 5 4 House: $24.99) The widow of a passenger aboard United Airlines Flight 93 on Sept. 11 tells her story of loss, faith and hope 8 A MIND AT A TIME by Mel Levine (Simon & Schuster: $26) A 4 12 pediatrics professor argues that schools need to teach children based on their individual learning styles 9 THE POWER OF NOW by Eckhart Tolle (New World Library: 14 14 $21.95) How to improve relationships and encourage happiness and contentment by living in the present 10 WHAT WE SAW (Simon & Schuster: $29.95) A chronicle of -- 1 the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks by CBS News, including an introduction by Dan Rather and a full-length DVD 11 SNOBBERY by Joseph Epstein (Houghton Mifflin: $25) A 9 7 meditation on the nature of pretentiousness and an attack on some of its most merciless practitioners 12 WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? by Spencer Johnson (Putnam: $19.95) 12 129 The coauthor of “The One-Minute Manager” uses the parable of mice in a maze to discuss managing change 13 THE BEST DEMOCRACY MONEY CAN BUY by Greg Palast (Pluto -- 4 Press: $25) Polemics by a reporter for the BBC against globalization and its harmful effect on the world 14 SLANDER by Ann Coulter (Crown: $25.95) A political 13 12 pundit takes on the media and explains how liberal bias is threatening to ruin the country 15 ALL GIRLS by Karen Stabiner (Riverhead: $25.95) A year -- 2 in the lives of students at two girls’ schools, one in Southern California, the other in Harlem

