
The Greening of County Parks

Re “Let Experts Spend Park Funds,” editorial, Sept. 22:

Thank you for making the public aware of the park fund issue. Many of us are unhappy that since Orange County’s bankruptcy in 1994, the Board of Supervisors has taken several million much-needed dollars from the park budget to pay back debt.

It was not Harbors, Beaches and Parks that led to the bankruptcy, so why keep punishing the department and us, the public? We need parks. More people are moving to Orange County, and they demand and expect open space and safe recreation opportunities.

Harbors, Beaches and Parks has been a good steward for many years. It should receive the money from Proposition 12 to undertake repairs and upgrades so our parks can be safe for all users.


Ilse M. Byrnes

San Juan Capistrano
