
Cheer, Cheer for These College Football Letters

How could Bill Dwyre’s recap of the Notre Dame-Michigan game totally ignore the Irish’s “phantom” touchdown, in which quarterback Carlyle Holiday crossed the Wolverine goal line while the ball was behind him on the three-yard line? Didn’t he see even one of the countless replays? In what year did Dwyre (and/or his editor) graduate a “Domer”?

Tim Bornheimer

Los Angeles

Editor’s note: Dwyre, the sports editor, graduated from Notre Dame in 1966. He says, “It was a glorious moment.”


As a Michigan grad with UCLA connections, I seldom have anything nice to say about the Trojans. However, I have followed Justin Fargas’ career since he went to Ann Arbor after John Robinson was unjustly fired. The dedication and citizenship that Fargas displayed coming back from his injury is the kind of character for which Michigan is noted. If he and Drew Henson had stayed, last year the Wolverines might have played for the national championship.


When Bo Schembechler said that this year’s Michigan team just isn’t tough enough, I imagine he was wishing that Fargas was still there. I hope he has a terrific year, even if it means the Trojans win more than five or six games.

D.F. Reeves

Rancho Palos Verdes


Oklahoma, Texas, Ohio State and USC win big. Notre Dame holds off Michigan. Penn State puts a world of hurt on Nebraska. Everything is once again right with college football.

Dave Thomson

Santa Clarita


Now that Suzuki has “presenting rights” to the Heisman Trophy, will the Downtown Athletic Club sell naming rights to its club next?


Richard Baker

Beverly Hills
